Navigation with Pilot on Board:
- Immediately on arrival in bridge, Pilot to be informed of ship’s heading, speed, engine setting and draft.
- Master pilot exchange to be carried out.
- Pilot informed of LSA provided on bridge, discuss about any ISPS requirement if any.
- Completed Pilot Card handed to pilot.
- Pilot referred to Wheelhouse Poster.
- Familiarization of bridge and communication systems to be given to pilot.
- Discuss about status of anchors.
- Any other relevant procedures / checklist as per SMS to be complied with.
- Details of proposed passage plan discussed with the pilot and agreed with the master including: UKC, radio communications and reporting requirements.
- Discuss about the watchkeeping arrangement and crew stand by arrangements including tose who are stand by forward, discuss about abort points and contingency anchorages.
- Responsibilities within the bridge team for the pilotage defined and clearly understood.
- Discuss about requirement of local regulation including hoisting of a flag, shape of exhibition of light etc.
- Discuss about the following:-
- Configuration of ropes (fwd & aft.)
- Which line to be the first line (fwd & aft.)
- Any mooring boat available
- How many tugs & points where these tugs to be fast, power of the tugs (bollard pull etc), what time tugs expected in order to give notice to ship staff.
- Lighting arrangement for stations must be consulted prior to switching on lights especially for fwd stn (lights preferably facing fwd).
- Discuss about information related to berthing / anchoring arrangements.
- Discuss about expected traffic during transit, pilot change over arrangements, fender requirements. Discuss about instructions for pilot ladder / accommodation ladder.
- Watchkeeping level to be as per company’s SMS.
- Progress of the ship and execution of orders being monitored by the master and OOW, position fixing to be done as per position plotting interval as ordered by Master, Parallel indexing technique to be used as and when possible.
- Traffic situation to be monitored, keep eye on all the vessels in the vicinity and data pertaining to CPA, TCPA, range, bearing, bow crossing range, bow crossing distance. Good look out to be maintained, long range scanning to be done to detect the object in ample time.
- Comply with COLREGS/ local regulations, effectiveness of action to be checked.
- UKC to be monitored.
- Any instruction as per Masters standing orders, bridge orders to be complied with.
- VTS to be reported (normally done by pilot), VHF to be maintained on required frequencies.
- E/R and ship’s crew regularly briefed on the progress of the ship during pilotage.
- Arrangement to relieve officers, helmsman, look out, and those stand by for anchor party to be done.
- Ensure Master’s orders and pilot’s advice is complied with.
- Monitor all the displays on bridge – tachometer, rudder angle indicator, ROTI, anemometer etc, also displays for course steered and course made good, speed through water and speed over ground etc.
Significance of Master Pilot Information Exchange:
- Navigation Advice to Pilot:
- Vessel’s heading, speed, RPM. (speed increasing/ decreasing)
- Distance off/ bearing of nearest appropriate navigating/ aid or landmark
- ETA at next course change position, next course/ heading
- Point out converging and close – by traffic
- Depth of water under the keel
- Any other items
- Reach Agreement on Underway Procedures:
- Manoeuvres for narrows, bends, turns, etc
- Courses/ headings, distance off danger areas, maximum speed
- Restrictions: day versus night movement/ berthing
- Tide and current conditions not acceptable
- Minimum acceptable visibility at any point
- Use of anchor (planned, emergency)
- Manoeuvres not requiring tugs
- Manoeuvres requiring tugs
- Number of tugs required (and when)
- Source of tug securing lines: ship or tug
- Push/ pull power of required tugs
- Communications procedure between vessel and tugs
- Placement of tugs alongside
- Crew standby requirement – number available and stations
- Expected time vessel has to arrive at berth/ turning basin at high / low / slack wateraverage
- Speed to his positions
- Any other items
- Reach Agreement on Mooring / Unmooring Procedures:
- Maximum acceptable wind force and direction
- Unmooring procedures without tugs in event of emergency
- Sequence of running out/retrieving-mooring lines / Wires
- Mooring lines to be run out by launch and time to run lines
- Provision for dock line handlers
- Determine which side to
- Fire wires required
- Any other items
Information to be provided by Pilot
Pilot Mr. _______________ Date ________
Please provide following information to the Master:
- Intended navigation plan for the passage.
- Speed(s) required at different stages of the passage.
- Any navigation restrictions: – Dry versus night navigation etc.
- Status of navigational aids in Pilot age waters.
- Tides, currents, weather anticipated.
- Expected traffic conditions.
- Any other information critical to the safe passage.
- Contingency plans, alternative routes (if available).
- Minimum visibility acceptable at any time.
Use of critical /anchors (planned or emergency).
Significance of Master-Pilot Information Exchange:
- The pilotage passage plan will need to be discussed with the pilot as he comes onboard.
- Any amendments to the plan should be agreed and any consequential changes in individual bridge team responsibilities made before pilotage commences.
- Where pre-arrival exchange has not taken place extra time and sea room may need to be allowed before pilotage commences under to discuss the plan fully.
- The Pilot should be handed over the Pilot Card and shown the Wheelhouse Poster.
- The Wheelhouse Poster provides a summary of ship manoeuvring information. A manoeuvring booklet, containing more detailed information may also be available on the bridge.
- The pilot has specialised knowledge of navigation in local waters.
- The master may delegate the conduct of the ship to the Pilot who directs the navigation in close co-operation with the Master and / or the OOW.
- It is important that the responsibilities of the master and the Pilot are clearly understood.
- The pressure of a pilot does not relieve the master or the OOW of their duties or obligations for the safety of a ship.
- Both should be prepared to exercise their right not to proceed to a point where the ship would not be to maneuvering or would be in danger.
- The safe progress of the ship along the planned tracks should be closely monitored at all times which includes regular position fix, monitoring underkeel clearance.
- Verbal orders from the pilot also need to be checked to confirm that they have been correctly carried out.
- This includes monitoring both the rudder angle and RPM indicator when helm and engine orders are given.
- OOW should always seek clarification from the pilot when in doubt of pilot actions or intentions. If a satisfactory explanation is not given, he should notify the Master immediately.