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Capt. Behl Function 1 Chief Mate Orals F.G. Exams Question Set

Capt. Behl Function 1 Chief Mate Orals F.G. Exams Question Set Mumbai.

11-MARCH-20BEHLWhat checks will do on gyro for long sailing? You changed steel in dry dock what will u chk as soon as sail out. What checks on magnetic compass before compass adjuster boards, Polar code (full in-depth), Draw synoptic chart and explain details In it. Which ROR rules will u expect yr 2ndmate n 3rd off to know by heart? Deep water anchoringF1
16-DEC-19BEHLAurora phenomenon and where to find this info for what purpose did you open mariners hand book for…  i said fir seeing bio sulfonication information. Information of ice where will you get that from (he wants to hear np 100 publication). How will you come to know if you vdr fails or not functioning that what all equipments it was recording (I said vdr manual, he said where else i said imo permormance standards, he furthur asked wher on board you will find performance standards couldnt answer “i guess it would be given in manula only lol”). What is bore tide ( i answered as per pawan kumar but bhel said wrong ans plz check internet for correct answer, i checked it something else dosent match with pawan notes) – submarine identification buoy ( i said special mark he said incorrect – i checked with a master and he said the info is given in annual notice to mariners at some pages , honestly never knew about this if any one on board can check and fwd the ans in the group will be great for the candidates) – west cardinal mark without top mark identify and all characters – iala b preferred channel to stbd buoy ( identify and all character i took time in this and he said bhai itna time lega toh jahaj thuk jayega, but i answered correctly in the end, he wants to be quick in identification) – vdr requirements – master ice reporting regulation as per solas (i answered solas ch5 reg 32) – he drew a light house and is character and asked me to explain each and every part of it “oc. w.r 12 m 70 sec 12M/18M” (this was a sector light and drew the same as it will be on th ba chart) – give 20 points when taking over anchor watch – tell me 7 important markings on chart when passage planning ( i told draw course, mark course and dist, nga, any caution mark like fishing heavens or military exercise zone mark or highlight it, i said tidal diamond he said its already marked couldn’t think of more please find out on your own- i was basically panicking – lat 40 deg n and sun at winter solstice what alt will you ask all your cadet to set on sextant for meet pass (couldn’t ans, the correct answer is you do the latitude by meridian altitude calculation in reverse and get the ans it is approx 27d,.  lat dec given find mzd and then find talt by subtracting 90d) – ocean currents and typesF1
9-DEC-18BEHLESP…. i told him about survey and use of esp….but he wants to hear in detail requirements for bulk carrier, containers, oil tankers and certificate in it. Type of anchors. Ac14 in detail and draw it. Grain code contain. He needs all content. Draw damage stability table how u c on ship.. of type 2, type 3 lodicator.(1st he will ask which loadicator u have on your ship). Grounding action as mate. Sound and some lights. Some ROR situations. He will give u IMDG code, supplement and tell u to find details of some cargo by giving u un number. Using above tables take action…. fire on container, spill …he says AB reports u UN number take actions. Then show proper segregation and separation from code in detail how you will go about loading rocket propelled granate. Shipper has given you wrong declaration of cargo how you will go about loading and stowage. You have to load that cargo. D1 and D2 ballast water treatment with values as per requirement. Load line survey told him. But he wants measurements of hatch coaming, air pipes, air vents, seals on deck and under deck. Holding power of anchor. I told him as per sea bed 2 to 4 times weight of anchor.. Name types of ice. Where will u get information about same…..Mariners handbook. Breaking yaw. I told him what it means. He also wants drawing for same. Passage plan from MUMBAI to UK. What is occultation draw and show. Gyro erratic in high lat. Formula for CSE and Damping error. Y r they high at pole explain me. I told about horizontal and vertical component also he wants something diff. Why you use soft iron. He needs to hear coefficient D correction. Limitations of radar. I told him all. But he is interested in all values for same. Do all solas regulation of solas ch5 …he asks any questions and tells u to relate with it. VGA. I told him all about VGA ( even there is vdo of mersk line about the same where they explain it) …he doesn’t want just in lay man terms like methode 1 and 2. he needs more information check IMO reg and ms act for same. fcking for all questions he needs presiz values. He also says which MS act states it. Say act no. Lazer gyro. Damage stability calculations no 2 db and no 2 hold flooded. he need calculations. not actions what u will take …he tell sub he hi action lenge gv me calculation and if u tell him about lodicator then woow he will ask where will u find how it looks like what all values u get…..have u operated it any time. Type of winds. All that gradient, geostropic winds and all …… ERS how do they calc…c vdo on YouTube He has all wooden buoy without top Mark he makes channel and then gives u situations….F1
13-AUG-18BEHL1. Voyage planning 2. Input to second officer 3. What you will check in passage plan 4. Types of ice 5. Gloccary about ice in which publication 6. Pwom 7. Wind chill factor 8. Cold weather precautions 9. Effect on gyro 10. CSE depend on which coefficient of latitude 11. Correction to gyro 12. Navigation through buoyed channel without topmark 13. Cards 14. Types of anchor 15. AC 14 16. Holding power of anchor 17. Immediate danger how much cable u will decide for anchoring 18. Submarine buoy ( Given in annual summary notice to mariner) 19. Emergency wreck marking buoy 20. Describe preferred channel to port for region BF1
12-JULY-18BEHLBore tide. Polar code. PWOM. Types of anchor. Holding power of anchor. What is AC 14 anchor. What is breaking yaw. Anchor dragging action. Doldrums. Air chill effect. Types of ice.F1
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