Capt. Daniel Joseph Function 1 Chief Mate Orals F.G. Exams Question Set Mumbai.
14-FEB-19 | DANIEL | Blind navigation technique? As per what regulation u carry equipment’s on board? He wanted to hear reg. no?? Requirement of LRIT? What is ROTI? What is formula for that? How will you determine turn? Cross question on that What is parallel indexing?? Where u use?? | F1 |
12-DEC-20 | DANIEL | Which type of vessel u hav sailed? Symbols for flood tide, EBB tide, PA, SD Few situations in R.V. Few situation in clear visibility Master is unconscious action for evacuation? Pan message how u transmit on VHF What is code for medical emergency From where u will get that? U r in Japan 2+1 red light flashing?? | F1 |
16-MAR-18 | DANIEL JOSEPH | Rule 2,9,19 No cards Situation third mate calls you and told mine clearance vessel just 1 .5 miles right ahead action and what might have gone wrong why mine clearance?? Loadline survey what all items you check Anchor dragging action Currents TSS in detail Voyage planning from Mumbai to Canada Beaching in detail with refloating .. sailient features of B/L | F1 |
7-JUNE-19 | DANIEL JOSEPH | Asked me to introduce my self in detail What equipment is there onboard ship to calculate the atm.pressure?working principle of aneroid barometer.What factor affects the atm.pressure?why do it changes?what causes it to change?ETA / Req. as per which convention with reg.numberName the SOLAS chapters.Which SOLAS ch.& reg. enlists the requirement to carry Nav.EquipmentWhat is the pressure in this place? | F1 |
19-JUNE-19 | DANIEL JOSEPH | Responsibility of IHO, IALA purpose, ICAO and Iamsar relation. what is derelict.. Chapter 5 carriage requirements, Chapter 5 Master discretion, Reg 24 chapter 5 , requirements for autopilot heading and track control req., steering gear test, mandatory publications , what is LNSS plan? certificate as per chapter 5 solas | F1 |