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Capt. Anish Joseph Function 2 Chief Mate Orals F.G. Exams Question Set

Capt. Anish Joseph Function 2 Chief Mate Orals F.G. Exams Question Set Mumbai.

6-JAN-18ANISHWhat is IMSBC code? What does it contain? Which ships is it applicable? What is CSS code? How will you load IMDG cargo on a car carrier? Which certificate? What are its contents? What are the types of separation as per IMDG code? What is ship sweat and cargo sweat? Explain both. What is Bill of lading? What is Mate’s Receipt? Does a car carrier have a bill of lading? Why does it not have a Bill of lading? How will you load containers on deck? Lashing system on a container. What precautions will you take while loading Reefer containers? The set point temperature of a reefer is -6 deg C and its return temperature is 4 deg C. What are your actions as a duty officer? What is ISGOTT? What information is given in ISGOTT?F2
15-MAR-18ANISHTues of ship have done asked chemical…..but asked more about bulk & container. CSS code. IMDG segregation, IBC content, Type of chemical tanker, Chain register, Load density, SF, Who will u load bulk cargo. Draft survey …. Told steps ….found OK formula asked …then moved to next Concentrate loading and precautions,F2
11-MAY-18ANISHHow to make stowage plan gave me one cargo name ( arebian light ) How you will make sure that u will max cargo and ur not breaking any law also .. (all loadline, FWA , DWA , bunker consumption funda .) and max filling limits on what basis ? Why there is no code for oil cargo? ( ALL TECH DETAILS ARE GIVEN IN ANNEX 1 MARPOL AND FOR OTHER SAFETY/OPERATION GUIEDENCE ISGOTT IS RECOMMENDED )To which vsl IMDG IS compulsory..Then why we keep IMDG ON tanker?? ( HE JUST WANT,, TO FIND OUT MFAG AND EMS OF CARGO LOADED )EXPLAIN IMSBC: (he wanted me to  explaination that how u will load cargo where to look what … start from annex 1 of imsbc and which all things you will get from individual schedule)any relation between IMSBC and annex 5 Marpol : (HME / NON-HME GRB PART 2) Draft survey cal not much in detailStresses on ship due to cargo and from where you will find How will you come to know that ur loading with in specific stress limits if loadicator not workingNo 2 cargo hold explosion 💥 ur action How you will will calculate ur damage stability ? Loadicator testing What is BL and tanker need any BL Types of BL u know What is seaway bill ? Mates receipt?? Why there is no mates receipt on tanker ?   ( I DON’T KNOW )F2
13-OCT-18ANISH-IMSBC content (i just said few of them then he changed the ques ..(No need to say in correct order ).. -How to load the container on a ship which is not designed to load the container . -3 grades to load on a chemical tanker. -where u will find compatibility chart on chm tanker. -which all conventions applies for carriage of cargo ..( i hv not ans correctly) -how to reduce a free surface effect on ship.. -how does kg affect by FSC . -ship sweet -diff between purging and padding -draft survey in details -loadicator not working wt action n from where u ll find out the sterss. -wt is VEF -wt is a the polymer cargo .. -tanker calculation from start to end .. -VOC -precautions to take to avoid static electricity.. -tell me something abt ODME And some more ques on tanker ..F2
12-MAR-19ANISHIMSBC code Potash hazards and how will you refer to IMSBC. Though you were on bulk, did you carry imdg code..does imdg code apply to bulk cargoes.. Vessel in Australia gets detained coz cargo of manganese ore was not trimmed..what could the reason be?F2
8-APRIL-19ANISH-is IMDG applicable for bulk carrier, he said NO, hd little discussion on dat. -cert required for bulk Carrier -how will you plan to calc stowage of cargo – vsl planned to load cargo from LA to Mumbai, upto wer home much max’m  cargo u’ll load. No restrictions on any port. -if vsl is hogged, fwd nd aft draft already submerged, still 10cm remaining at plimsol, will u load or not, if yes, why..F2
14-JAN-21ANISH1. Procedure for loading cargo on Gas Carriers 2. Is IMDG code applicable to Gas carriers 3. Requirement for DOC on Gas carriers 4. Intact stability requirement for gas carriers,where will you find it? 5. Cargo calculation process without loadicator. 6. Stiff ship and tender ship.How will you know if the ship is stiff or tender. 7. Is it possible to make a gas less stiff when completely loaded 8. what is the Solas chapter which mandates the IGC code for gas carriers.F2
8-MAR-21ANISHhazards of coal ? hold prep? sulphur hazard? what is concentrate? hazards of it? how to load? wet shift /dry shift? trimming of cargo? how is it done ? whatnis angle of repose? why is grain code different when imsbc there ? stowage factor? why draft survey in bulk and tank gauging in tankers? broken stowage? can you load heavy lift on ur ship? how will u load ? what happens to the g? ho will u make sure you have positive gm throughout ? what is fsc /fsm? what happens because of it ? imdg vols ? emg and mfag ? can you load containers on dry cargo ? as per csm ! , what is csm ? then what is css. now how will u load steel cargo ? stresses on ship ? iopp survey ? bl/mates recpt? isgott , why is it there ? flamable range? diagram ? oil tanker precaution while loading ? dirty oil/oil with low api , how will you load ? and precautions when on voyage ? note of protest? claims against chartere? lop hazards of grain?intact stability criteria?doa?grain stability booklet ? volumetric heeling moment ? DOCF2
11-MAR-21ANISH1. How do you calculate maximum cargo? Can we exceed load line? What are the limiting factors? 2. Which all ship IMSBC applies to?  Can you load all cargo written in IMSBC on bulk carriers?                   How do you which cargo you can load? Can you coal on all ships? 3. Stowage factor and load density? How will decide max cargo based on them? 4. Certificate related to cargo on tankers? 5. Group of cargo as per IMSBC. Group C cargo what hazards? 6. Shipper gave name of cargo which is not there in IMSBC Code? How will you load? 7. What all IMDG applies to ? 8. IMSBC as per which Convention? Which chapter of SOLAS says about IMSBC. Latest amendments to IMSBC code? 9. Documents related to cargo on bulk carriers? document without which you can’t even start loading? 10. Mates receipt, shippers declaration. Is shipper declaration mandatory? Which regulation? 11. Grain loading criteria. 12. Angle of repose? Angle repose of grain cargo? 13. Coal precautions during carriage? 14. Concentrates hazard?F2
5-JULY-21ANISHWhat are the things that can go wrong in a gas carrier and action How will you determine max lodables How will you do caro calculation in bulk carrier How to find out constant Significance of constant How will you load dangerous cargo on bulk carrier How will you load IMDG cargo Does IMDG apply to Gas carriers and why ?F2
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